- Largest Yoga Lesson – New Delhi was the first city to host the largest yoga lesson in the world. Involving 35,985 participants, the event was organized by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India (India) on the occasion of the first International Day of Yoga, at Rajpath, New Delhi, India, on 21 June 2015. The event was organized on a 1.4 km segment of the iconic Rajpath in the centre of New Delhi with LED screens streaming live images of four instructors on the main stage. The event included about 5000 school children, 5000 national cadet corps, 5000 central army forces, 1200 women police officers, 5000 union ministers, diplomats and foreign nationals and 15000 people from yoga institutions.
- DOGA – “Doga” is a type of yoga in which people use yoga to achieve harmony with their pets. Dogs can either be used as props for their owners or they can do the stretches themselves. It reportedly started in New York in 2002 when Suzi Teitelman started “Yoga for Dogs.”
- Yoga Keeps You Young – Yoga is your answer to looking more youthful. A consistent yoga practice helps reverse processes that happen as our body ages, such as increased oxidation and acidity, cell damage and inflamed tissues, which can all lead to illness and disease over time. Research has shown that a consistent yoga practice helps decrease all these conditions for better long-term health, not to mention younger-looking skin.
- Yoga Promotes Mindful Eating – The regular practice of yoga can reduce food cravings, and subsequently, the habit of overeating. A University of Washington study claims that this happens because yoga increases the awareness of the physical and emotional sensations associated with eating.
- People Do It Nude – “Hot nude yoga” is a thing. And while it’s a little too racy, lots of people are jumping on the bare-it-all bandwagon and raving about the experience. Some yogis claim these classes “deepen their yoga practice, encourage ultimate appreciation, acceptance, and love for their bodies, and also build intimate bonds with people in their yoga community.”

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