Tell us about yourself.
I live in Bombay and am a celebrity hairstylist, occasional dog sitter for my friends and now a foster pig mom!
How do you inhabit the spaces and time that surround you in daily life?
At present, a significant portion of my day is occupied with interacting with a lot of animals. I have two cats and a friend and I have also rescued a mama pig and her litter. For the past 3 months, we have been feeding them every day and now I am fostering a 2-week-old piglet! I never thought I’d be living this “city-farm” life. However, spending time with all of them has been extremely fulfilling. My bedroom balcony, where I spend most of my morning, is my favourite place to be. I like easing into the day with a cup of coffee there, breathing, soaking up some sun, and observing the birds and trees outside. I do incorporate some sort of exercise on a daily basis, be it yoga or going on a bike ride. I use this time to connect with myself. I also enjoy being social and hang out with my friends often.
What does "Movement" mean to you and what trajectory has it embarked upon over the recent months?
For me, movement is freedom; listening and allowing your body, mind, and soul to experience this life. These past few months have been extremely eye opening with regards to both, individual and community. The initial period of the lockdown was all about lockdown clearing out your spaces, honing cooking skills, and endlessly washing dishes was colouring, cycling, making my favourite foods like sushi, and teaching myself how to play a few songs on my ukulele. On my birthday, which was during this period, my girlfriend gifted me a drill machine because I’ve always been interested in woodwork. So, then I got myself a whole bunch of tools. My first project was to build a house for the dog living outside my building. I wanted to ensure that she was sheltered from the rain. It ended up being very amateur but was extremely exciting. Work started slowly; I I did a couple of shoots.
What gets you moving inside-out outside-in?
The ocean
What has been your most challenging point of adaptation in your life? Did it empower you if yes, how?
I adapt very easily to change. Even when things have seemed challenging, it hasn’t been difficult. I think when you live from your heart and are true to yourself, life just happens.
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